
How NEEDY are YOU being that’s keeping YOU from BEing all of YOU?

Hey AMAZing BEing!  

How needy are you being that’s keeping you from being all of you?  

Now, the moment we go into need, we become needy.  

Needy of someone else, needy of things to go a certain way, or this idea of having to get things done, “I need to get things done, if I don’t, blah, blah, blah.”  

It’s just exhausting me saying it all! 

So, what would it be like to no longer have to function from need?  

This way you no longer have to be at the limitation of something outside of yourself, because even, “I need,” puts you in a limitation.  

So instead, what would it be like to LIKE to get something done?  

“What would it take for me to get this done with these? I would like to get this done.”  

Rather than, “I need to,” or “I would like this person to interact with me in this way, and if they do great, if they don’t, who cares?”  

So, when you’re in a space of, “Oh, this is what I would like or desire,” it’s much more ease, rather than doing need, which only sets you up to be needy.  

Be with that, play with that, and let me know what that’s like for you.

Dr. Sarah Brotsky's Signature - The Dr. Sarah Experience

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