How much are you refusing other peoples’ judgment and jealousy of you?

How much are you refusing other peoples’ judgment and jealousy of you?
Where have you been avoiding and defending it so much so that’s keeping YOU from BEing all of YOU and the difference YOU BE?
What if now’s the time for that to change?
What if NOW’s the SPACE to BE the difference YOU truly are even though it doesn’t match their POV and makes them “feel” uncomfortable?
Are YOU willing to BE that?
To know, BE, perceive, and receive all of that and much MORE?
What if NOW’s the time and SPACE for all of that to actualize with total EASE?
Are YOU ready to choose that?
I am!
Care to join me? 😎❤️😎
#thedrsarahexperience #notyourtypicalshrink #jealousy #judgment #avoiding #defending #choice #creates #know #be #perceive #receive #ease #joy #glory #nowisthetime #nowisthespace #drsarah #turningproblemsintopossibilities