Dr. Sarah's Picture Quotes
Did you know that asking a question (specifically a “what” question) can land you in the space of a conscious moment? That by being in this question, you can access greater awareness, creativity, knowing, perceiving, BEing, and receiving?
Check out these Dr. Sarah Picture Quotes and see what you notice for you!

How much are you refusing other peoples’ judgment and jealousy of you?

How much are you refusing other peoples’ judgment and jealousy of you?
Where have you been avoiding and defending it so much so that’s keeping YOU from BEing all of YOU and the difference YOU BE?
What if now’s the time for that to change?
What if NOW’s the SPACE to BE the difference YOU truly are even though it doesn’t match their POV and makes them “feel” uncomfortable?
Are YOU willing to BE that?
To know, BE, perceive, and receive all of that and much MORE?
What if NOW’s the time and SPACE for all of that to actualize with total EASE?
Are YOU ready to choose that?
I am!
Care to join me? 😎❤️😎
#thedrsarahexperience #notyourtypicalshrink #jealousy #judgment #avoiding #defending #choice #creates #know #be #perceive #receive #ease #joy #glory #nowisthetime #nowisthespace #drsarah #turningproblemsintopossibilities

What are YOU defending that’s not even yours?

As weird as this may sound, how much defending are you doing that’s keeping you from BEing all of you are you choosing? And, TRUTH, is it even yours? 😳
You see, 98% (if not MORE) of our own thoughts, feelings, and emotions don’t belong to us. We’re picking them up off of other people, places; situations.
So, what would it BE like if you no longer had to be stuck in that? That you could clear and get clear of all the heaviness that has been keeping YOU locked out of BEing ALL of YOU? Anything that won’t allow that to clear, POD/POC!
Now what would you like to choose if there was nothing you had to defend, avoid or judge about YOU? Hmmmm… I wonder?
#defend #defending #avoid #avoiding #judge #judging #you #choose #being #allofYOU #choice #infinite #possibilities #change #drsarah #notyourtypicalshrink #spreadkindness #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities

BEing Louisiana Style

If it looks like we’re up to no good, you would BE correct! No good or bad just BEing ALL we BE and BEyyond that… how did we get to BE so lucky to create from a SPACE of infinite choice and possibilities and Maestro energy? The Foundation has officially crumbled once again…in 100,000% living celebration! How does it get any BEtter?! 😍😘
#neworleans #nola #play #shopping #globalfoundation #foundation #accessconsciousness #besties #creationship #choice #infinite #possibilities #change #drsarah #notyourtypicalshrink #spreadkindness #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities

BEing Louisiana Style

When living and BEing in the SPACE of choice, 10 second increments, and BEyond… welcome to our reality! Care to join us? 😍🥰😘
#globalfoundation #foundation #accessconsciousness #besties #creationship #choice #infinite #possibilities #change #drsarah #notyourtypicalshrink #spreadkindness #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities

BEing Louisiana Style

Loving the SPACE of BEing with this AMAZing BEing… while doing and BEing Global Foundation, Baby! Lol!
How does it get ANY BEtter?! 😉😍😎
#globalfoundation #foundation #accessconsciousness #besties #creationship #choice #infinite #possibilities #change #drsarah #notyourtypicalshrink #spreadkindness #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities

Are you one those types of BEings who are always there for others?

Are you one those types of BEings who are always there for others?
Always there having their back when times are rough and helping them through this often turbulent, up and down, insane reality?
Well, what would it BE like to BE that for YOU?
To BE there for YOU in a way that is supportive and contributive?
To know YOU can count on YOU to BE kind and caring to YOU when things get tough?
To BE the one that brings YOU JOY and EASE even when there is no one else around?
That, at the end of the day, to have your own back and have FUN having it?
I’m choosing it.
I’m BEing it.
I’m definitely receiving and creating it for ME… and what a GIFT it has been!
What if NOW’S the time to choose it for YOU?
To BE it for YOU?
To create it for YOU?
To receive this AMAZing GIFT of YOU for YOU?
How does it get any BEtter than THIS?
And I wonder… what else is freakin’ possible NOW?
#internationalwomensday2022 #IWD2022 #haveyourownback #choose #you #ease #joy #fun #creationship #everyday #now #BEyou #life #living #nowisthetime #nowisthespace #drsarah #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities #notyourtypicalshrink


What if the purpose of life is to BE Y❤️U and have WAY TOO MUCH FUN?
What if this day is simply a reminder of that?
How does it get any BEtter than THAT?!

#loving #space #you #happyvalentinesday #fun #ease #joy #abundance #nowisthespace #drsarah #notyourtypicalshrink #spreadkindness #thedrsarahexperience

What’s Light for You is True

Today, in the honor of Martin Luther King Jr., I would like to take a moment to acknowledge, that we too, can create a difference in the world by BEing the courageous, tenacious, and change-maker BEings we truly BE… just like he was!
In this current time of COVID insanity, it’s more important than ever to continue shedding light on the lies of all that desire to keep us limited… now is the SPACE for something different; now is the SPACE for something greater!
The lies no longer can sustain themselves and the truth is prevailing… and in the WISE words of Dr. King, “A lie cannot live.” Boom. 🎤👋🏻
How does it get any BEtter than THAT?
And I wonder… what else is possible NOW?
#martinlutherkingjrday #martinlutherking #drking #couragous #tenacious #change #world #choice #creates #possibilities #lies #heavy #truth #light #thespaceisnow #nowisthespace #drsarah #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities #notyourtypicalshrink

A SPACE of NEW BEginnings

What if every day is a day that offers a SPACE of NEW and OLD possibilities?
A SPACE of NEW BEginnings?
What if living consciously is that SPACE – on the last day, the first day, and on all days of the year?
What if we are the creators of that and MUCH MORE? Creators of magnitude if we choose?
I’m choosing that… care to join me?
How does it get any BEtter? 😉😎
#happynewyear2022 #cheers #creators #magnitude #create #2022 #newyear #creation #thespaceisnow #nowisthespace #drsarah #thedrsarahexperience

What if YOU ARE the source of YOU and all of your creations?

What if YOU ARE the source of YOU and all of your creations? That it all comes from YOU and the Universe is right there to contribute and to have your back?
What would it BE like to know and BE that? How does it get any BEtter than that?
And I wonder… what else is possible NOW?
#you #BEin #driverseat #future #sourceisyou #Universe #contributes #infinite #possibilities #choice #create #thespaceisnow #nowisthespace #drsarah #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities #notyourtypicalshrink #livingconsciously

BE in the honoring of YOU

When you stop aiming to please others and choose to BE in the honoring of YOU, life gets A LOT easier. What if now’s the time to choose it and BE it?
How does it get any BEtter and I wonder what else is possible NOW?
#ok #iftheydontgetyou #be #you #nomatterwhat#honor #ease #beit #chooseit #thespaceisnow #nowisthespace #infinite #possibilities #choice #create #drsarah #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities #notyourtypicalshrink #livingconsciously

Thanksgiving Day 2021

Share yours in the comments 🙏🏻🥰
May your SPACE BE filled with ease, JOY, and abundance!
#gratitude #grateful #thanksgiving #thanksgivingday #ease #joy #abundance #thespaceisnow #nowisthespace #infinite #possibilities #choice #create #drsarah #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities #notyourtypicalshrink #livingconsciously

BEing in the SPACE of infinite possibilities

BEing in the SPACE of infinite possibilities?
How does it get any BEtter?! 😎🌈🚀🌈🥰
#how #actualize #Universe#Universehasyourback #infinite #possibilities #thespaceisnow #drsarah #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities #notyourtypicalshrink #livingconsciously

What journey are you ready to embark on?

I wonder? 🌈💖🌈
#new #journey #embarkon #universe #universehasyourback #possibilities #discovery #joy #create #choice #drsarah #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities #notyourtypicalshrink #livingconsciously

The Universe Has Your Back

You can count on it! 🙌🏻😎🙌🏻
How does it get any BEtter?
What else is possible NOW?!
#reminder #universe #universehasyourback #life #living #discovery #joy #create #choice #drsarah #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities #notyourtypicalshrink #livingconsciously

What is this for YOU?

What is this for YOU, AMAZing BEing? 🌈😎
Share in the comments.
#judgment #judgmental #you #freefromjudgment #advice #spreadkindness #drsarah #notyourtypicalshrink #thedrsarahexperience #turningproblemsintopossibilities

What does actualization look like for YOU?

The act of bringing things into form.
The act of bringing creations into existence.
Often times it’s confused with manifestation, which is the space where ideas come into our conscious awareness and knowing.
However, it’s not until we choose to take action that it will bring into this reality what it is you’re looking to manifest.
So, what would you like to choose today that will actualize what you’ve been manifesting right away?
BE with that and share anything you notice with that in the comments below.
What else is possible NOW?
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU bored of boredom?

That seems like a funny question, right?
Funny, not so much in a humorous way, but more so in an interesting, curious sort of way.
BEing in a place where you’re bored of boredom can be an actual light place to be in, especially when you’re ready to create something different.
So by the time you’re bored to this extent, you’re likely ready to look at new possibilities and ways to change it.
It’s here that you can go into question and ask what it is you would like to create now.
It’s here that you can gain awareness to what it is you would manifest and actualize.
It’s here that you can begin shifting the stuck, stagnate, and dull energy of boredom into something lighter.
Once clear, it’s here that you can BE in a space of ease, calm, and creation.
And it’s here that BEing bored of boredom will BE no more!
How does it get any BEtter?
With light and WONDERment,

Is there something you’re bored of?

When it comes to boredom, it can show up in a variety of different ways.
First, there’s the classic type of boredom, which is simply not having anything or enough to do. It is a boredom that can be a drag and frustrating if not cleared.
Another type of boredom is related to having a lack of interest in what you’re currently doing. For example, being stuck in a job that is mundane and unfulfilling. This type of boredom can be stressful and overwhelming if not cleared.
Then there’s the boredom that lands you in a place of disinterest and even sadness. This is when your mind puts you in a heavy place as a result of self-judgment and limiting thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
So, what do these 3 types of boredom all have in common? They all involve heavy energies that keep us stuck and stagnate.
What’s the solution?
Clear them!
Clear them by using the clearing tools… Return to sender with consciousness (when it doesn’t belong to you) and POD and POC (read more about this here, https://thedrsarahexperience.com/clearing-statements/)
Once cleared, you will likely have more room to choose what it is you would like do, be, and/or create!
See what you notice with this and share it with me anywhere I’m on Social.
How does it get any BEtter?
With light and WONDERment,

What are 3 adventures YOU would like to create?

When’s the last time you asked yourself what adventure you would like to create?
Is that even a question you’ve considered asking?
Well, what if you were to get clear on what that could be for you?
You could start by identifying 3 adventures that you would like to actualize.
Now, these adventures could include actual events or travels. Or they may be something you desire to have as a part of your daily life and living.
It’s totally up to YOU! And it could be something different everyday if you choose (so you do not have to stop at just 3)!
So, BE with that, play with that, and share with me what these adventures are for you anywhere I’m on Social.
With light and WONDERment,

What adventure are YOU ready to BE on?

Don’t do it.
That’s right.
Don’t do it!
Don’t do what?
Don’t you dare choose to life your BEst adventurous life.
A life where you may create way too much JOY and excitement; too much discovery and wonderment.
Oh and not to mention too MUCH FUN.
Don’t do it.
It may just create a life and living that goes BEyond this reality. 😉
With light and WONDERment,

What if ANGER is an indicator that there’s an UNTRUTH present?

Have you ever considered looking at ANGER from this point of view?
You know that moment when something comes in that’s super heavy and you get that sense that something’s off? Then suddenly you’re ANGRY.
That’s it!
That’s the moment you ask, “What lie am I picking up on?”
And then you can clear it and get clear of whatever heaviness is present.
Some ongoing clearing may be required depending on what it is or who it may be related to.
And if it doesn’t belong to you, return to sender with consciousness and simply say, #notyourproblem 😉
So, BE with that, play with that, and share with me anywhere I am on Social.
With light and WONDERment,

What about ANGER are YOU refusing?

Have you been in the limitation of ANGER?
Like it’s a BAD thing?
This resonates SO typical in this reality… it’s what we’re taught in this reality.
If we take this energy of ANGER and use it to our advantage, it can BE turned into POTENCY, which is a very conscious SPACE of BEing where you can convey what it is you’re aiming to say with a demand.
So, what would it BE like to no longer refuse ANGER and instead acknowledge it and use it in a way that creates greater?
Share with me anywhere I am on Social.
With light and WONDERment,

What does contributing to YOU look like?

Now that we have started getting “clear” of what has been blocking you from BEing part of the contribution (if you missed that, check out the first Dr. Sarah Picture Quote of the week), are you more aware of what contributing to you looks like?
If not, are you ready to explore that? Discover that? And see what that is like for you?
It certainly can BE different each time you look at it.
And what if that’s part of the BEauty of it?
I’m curious to know what awareness you get.
Share anywhere I’m on Social.
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU willing to BE part of the contribution?

Isn’t this an interesting question?
I sense it’s definitely one that will leave some of us curious to know more.
Well, what if you were open and willing to receive what it is you are giving and gifting to others? What if you included yourself in that exchange?
What would it like for you?
Try it out and share your awareness anywhere I’m on social.
With light and WONDERment,

What would it BE LIKE to LIKE yourself?

I’ve got a request of you, AMAZing YOU.
It may sound weird.
It may be uncomfortable.
I would like you to share with me something you LIKE about YOU.
Yes. You heard right.
What do you LIKE about YOU?
What’s that like for you?
What’s it like to acknowledge that about you?
Share anywhere I’m on Social.
So excited to hear!
What else is possible NOW?
With light and WONDERment,

What about YOU are YOU enJOYing?

Having trouble identifying what it is you like about you?
What you enjoy about YOU?
Here are a couple of questions to ask yourself that may help you get clear on this:
- What is something that sets you apart from others?
- What is something brings you JOY?
- What do you like about a person that you really like?
- What is an area of interest you really enJOY?
Now, from these questions…
What do you notice that resonates with you?
What stands out?
And what if this is actually what you like about you?
What’s that like to acknowledge?
What’s that like to receive?
Share anywhere I’m at on Social, AMAZing BEing!
What else is possible NOW?
With light and WONDERment,

What’s light and heavy for YOU about MONEY?

Money, money, money, moneeeyyyy!
What does this bring up for you?
Is it light? Is it heavy?
For some of you it’s heavy…
For others it reads light…
I wonder what this is for YOU?
Take the survey and share your answer anywhere I’m on Social.
With light and WONDERment,

How would YOU describe your relationship with MONEY?

So curious… what is your relationship with money like for you?
Money and me? Let’s just say it’s been a long-term, loving relationship ONCE I cleared and continue to clear other people’s points of view of it.
What’s your relationship like with money?
Is it solely yours?
Or have you taken on other humans’ heaviness of it?
Was it different for you when you were younger?
What was your parent’s point of view of it like?
Well, for me now… money and I are in a copacetic, light relationship and I aim to nurture, choose, and create that everyday.
I choose to consciously use it to enjoy and contribute to my life and living as well as to others.
So, again… what’s your relationship like with money?
Share anywhere I’m on Social.
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU tired of being NEEDY?

What if you no longer have to BE so needy?
So, if need leads to neediness, and you find yourself needy, what would it be like to choose something different?
What if you don’t “need” anything?
What if you only require relying on you for what you require, not from a place outside of you, but from a space from within?
What would that be like?
Here are some tips for you to get there:
TIP 1: Ask yourself questions.
What do I require?
What would I like?
Tip 2: Get clear on what it is you would like.
What is that for you?
What would you like?
Tip 3: What would it take to create it?
What does it involve?
Do you require more information?
Tip 4: Who or what could contribute?
Who would you like to assist?
What could contribute… the Earth, the Universe? 😍
Tip 5: Keep chosen for YOU!
What choices do I here?
What choice reads lightest to choose?
So, what’s this like for you now that you really only require getting clear on you and what it is you’d like? I wonder?
Share anywhere I’m on Social.
With light and WONDERment,

What do YOU NEED that’s keeping YOU NEEDY?

Shout out to all the needy people out there!!
Whatcha needy of?
What is keeping you needy?
Truth, what is this limitation for you?
Anytime you need things or people outside of you, you’re discount you and your own knowing. You end up cutting yourself from choice and possibilities according to what may work for you.
Okay. What else is possible NOW?
Clear the neediness and get clear on what it is you would LIKE for you.
What is that for you?
What would you like?
Share anywhere I’m on Social!
With light and WONDERment,

What if NORMal is just a choice?

Yeah. I tried it.
I use to abide by it.
I even strived for it.
What was it?
Normal according to this reality.
And frankly it SUCKED.
And never worked!
So, what did I do to change it?
I chose to no longer “fit in” to what was deemed to be the right path.
To be the right definition.
The right look.
The right approach.
The right… well. You get the idea.
I now choose to BE me.
To live consciously if others like it or not.
Without an agenda
Without structure.
Without definition.
Free just to BE the weird, different, unpredictable BEing I truly BE.
What about you?
Are you choosing it?
Are you BEing it?
Would you like to?
Share anywhere I’m on Social.
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU settling on BEing NORMal?

No more?!
Yeah. What if the NEW normal is BEing the NO MORE limiting you YOU truly BE by NO longer buying into this reality’s insanity?
So, what is NOT BEing normal?
- No longer compromising you for anyone or anybody.
- Being willing to stand out by simply BEing whatever you choose to BE whenever you choose it.
- BEing outside of definition, structure, significance, and linearity.
- Choosing what’s light for you even if it does not agree with society.
- Acknowledging that you BEing YOU is the difference this world requires.
Now. What would it be like to NOT BE NORMal?
Share your awareness and point of view anywhere I’m on Social… wonder what else is possible NOW?
With light and WONDERment,

What does a LIGHT future look like for YOU?

The future is bright?
According to this reality? Not so much.
To me? Yes! I’m choosing that.
Cause it is a choice, you know.
So, what do I choose to create a bright future? I choose what’s light for me.
And what’s light for me is BEing in the conscious choice of what it is I would like.
And in this moment, it is talking to you about creating the future you would like!
I love this.
And I’m choosing this.
To receive it.
BE it.
Know it
And inspiring you to choose the same!
So, what would it take for you to choose it for you?!
Hmmmm, I wonder?
And BE sure to share it anywhere I’m on Social.
With light and WONDERment,

What can YOU choose today that would create the LIGHT future YOU desire right away?

Are you in the choice of the future you would like to create?
Maybe so? 😉
Well, what if it is a choice?
What if you could create it to your liking?
Here are some key bullet points to how to create it:
- Get clear on what it is you would like to create in this moment.
- Then ask a question like: what would it take to create it?
- Then ask: if I choose this, what would my life be like 5 months from now? 5 years from now?
- And then what could you be and choose today that would contribute to creating this right away?
- Then take an action that would contribute to creating it.
Now be with these key bullet points and let me know what it’s like for you.
Btw, there is no right or wrong to this. Just one way to navigate creating the light future you’d like to create.
How does it get any BEtter?
With light and WONDERment,

Celebrate Pride, celebrate YOU!

Urgent disclaimer!
Did you know living consciously may result in some unexpected side effects?
Huh. I was surprised too? Oh yeah. No. That’s no surprise to me, lol!
Well. Are you curious? Curious to what they are?
- Joy
- Laughter
- Awareness of the good, the bad, and the ugly of this reality
- Calm
- In tuned to light and heavy energies
- Space to access creativity and change
And much MORE!
So, what would it take for you to choose to live consciously and suffer with these side effects? 😉
I wonder?
Share a comment anywhere I’m on Social.
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU living the side effects of LIVING consciously?

I’m suffering…
“Suffering from what?”, you may ask?
I’m suffering from the side effects of living consciously.
And it’s horrible! So horrible that I can hardly stand it!
I have way more joy than ever before.
Way more awareness and allowance.
More space to BE ME and the difference this world requires.
More creative flow and choice and possibilities.
Oh and there more… MUCH MORE. Way too many to post here!
So, are you too open and willing to suffer with these side effects with me?
Really? Are you?!
It’s bound to be as horrible for you too! 😉
How does it get any BEtter?
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU honoring your own RULE-FREE way of BEing?

What rules you?
I wonder… what is that for you?
Is it keeping you limited?
Is it keeping you from BEing who you’d really like to BE?
And I wonder if you weren’t ruled by these rules, how would things be different?
How would your life and living be different?
Let me know anywhere I’m on Social.
And let’s see what else is possible.
What change can we create here?
I wonder?
Let’s discover it and change it together, AMAZing BEing!
How does it get any BEtter?
With light and WONDERment,

What structures and rules are YOU no longer abiding by?

Are you ruled by this world’s rules and structures?
Okay. So. Are you tired of following all of the rules that limit you from choosing what you would like to BE?
Truth, have you ever been good at following these rules?
Well, this reality is basically comprised of solid structures and rules that are designed to keep things and people in check and in formation.
Almost everything in this reality is this way… which includes our government, schools, religious institutions, and much more.
This is not a wrongness, by any means, however, for those of us whom beat to a different drum in a non-linear way, these type of structures and rules tend to get in the way of our true equanimity and free-flowing space of being.
So instead of resisting this heavily structured, rule-induced reality, what would it be like to simply choose to BE YOU even if it doesn’t fit this reality’s linear BOX?
Chose to BE in the truth of what’s light for you and BE willing to zig zag OUTside the lines?
What if this is what will create a difference in this insane world and create a new space of possibilities would not be available unless you were willing to BE and choose this freewill, non-structured, way of BEing?
Well, be with this possibility and see what you notice.
See what you get.
And let me know what you discover and BE sure to share anywhere I’m on Social.
So excited to hear!
What else is possible NOW? I wonder?!
With light and WONDERment,

What acts of kindness can we choose for ourselves and for each other today?

You’re so unkind.
You’re so unkind when you don’t include yourself in the contribution of acts of kindness to others.
Kindness is NOT exclusive. So be kind to you and include you in the kindness when being kind to others.
Believe it or not, those of us who are natural givers often don’t allow ourselves to receive the AMAZingness we give to others.
So, what would it be like to extend your kindness to you?
For example, if you share a moment of kind words or a smile with someone, what if you share those same kind words and smile with you? 😉
Hmmmm… wonder how much MORE this could create and contribute to this often dense and limited reality?
I wonder?
Well try it out and let me know what you notice…
What are you aware of?
Do you notice anything different about you and what you’re receiving for you?
So curious to know and would love for you to share anywhere I’m on Social.
With light and WONDERment,

What does KINDNESS look like on YOU?

BE the KINDness TO YOU that you give freely to others.
Ever considered doing that?
Most of us who are actively choosing to do acts of kindness are often NOT including ourselves in these acts of kindness and may actually be cutting ourselves from receiving kindness from others.
Is this happening to you?
Are you excluding and/or blocking you from acts of kindness?
Would you like to change this?
Would you now like to create EVEN MORE kindness in the world and in your world by BEing open to being in the kindness you give?
Anything that won’t allow this, how about we clear it now? Deep breath in and release all the heavy on the exhale… or right and wrong, good and bad, POD and POC, All 9, shorts, boys and beyonds (click here to read more about this clearing statement: https://thedrsarahexperience.com/clearing-statements/).
Okay, AMAZing BEing!
Play with this and let me know what this is like for you.
Share below.
Be IN the kindness that you’re contributing to others.
How does it get any BEtter?
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU ready to FREE yourself from expectations?

Okay. Let’s get right to it!
How are they limiting you?
How are they keeping you from choosing what it is you would like to create?
So, what can you choose instead?
Here are 5 tips!
- Be in the question of what the outcome can look like without attaching meaning or “suppose to’s” to it.
- Be in the awareness of the choices and possibilities along the way.
- Be present with whatever shows up.
- Be free to changing your mind if it doesn’t work out the way you’d like.
- Be open to how it actualizes (it may come in surprisingly differently then originally considered!).
BE with these, try them out, and let me know what it’s like for YOU.
Share anywhere I am on Social!
With light and WONDERment,

If YOU had NO expectations, what would YOU choose?

Get over your expectations!
Have you ever noticed that the more expectations you have, the more frustrated you are when they’re not met?
Yeah! This is huge. A huge blocker to living your life fully in the present moment!
It truly limits your freedom… your freedom to choose what it is you would like to have or create.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying to not have aims and big asks… I’m just acknowledging that when we attach expectations to it, it keeps it limited and heavy if it doesn’t show up the way we think it should.
So, what would be like to be open to the infinite possibilities to how things show up?
What it be like to be curious instead of conclusional?
I’m curious to know what this is like for you (without expectation, of course 😉).
BE sure to share anywhere I’m on Social
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU willing to BE in the energy of gratitude?

What are you grateful for?
Me? What am I grateful for?
I’m grateful to BE in the moment of this energy of gratitude… truly Beautiful.
The energy of BEing grateful!
What is it? That energy of gratitude? A sense of ease… and an acknowledgment of what one has; sometimes it’s material things, other times it’s people. And for me ALWAYS a conscious space of BEing where anything and everything is possible… How does it get any BEtter than that?!
Gratitude is magical when you’re willing to give it, receive it, and BE it! It’s the space where receiving greater is possible.
So, what are you grateful for?
Let me know and share anywhere I’m on Social.
What else is possible NOW?
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU choosing GRATITUDE?

Gratitude really sucks.
Yeah. Gratitude really sucks when you don’t have it.
When you don’t allow yourself to receive it. When you don’t allow yourself to perceive it.
When you don’t allow yourself to BE, know, and give it!
So, what would it be like to choose gratitude?
What would it take to use it?
The energy and space of can gratitude create so much! It can create so much ease, joy and contribution to you and those around you.
So, what can you choose today that would allow for gratitude to contribute to you and others right away?
So don’t be with this question at all and be sure not to share below (Lol)… cause you may just end up joyful.
With light and WONDERment,

What if YOU BEing in the FLOW of your life and living is up to YOU to choose?

Go with the flow. What does that mean?
Well, I would describe it as:
- Awareness. Awareness of what is happening around you.
- Ease. No matter what’s happening around you, you take it one moment, one breath at a time.
- Choice. Choosing to be in a space of flow that allows you to remain present.
- Allowance. Being present with everything, the good, the bad and the ugly, and simply give it an interesting point of view.
So, what would it take for you to BE in the “go with the flow” of your life and living?
Be with these bullet points… use them! Then letting me know what that’s like for you.
Share anywhere I’m on Social!
With light and WONDERment,

What about BEing in the FLOW of your life are YOU resisting?

I just love going with the flow until I don’t, lol! Yep. You heard me correctly.
So, I really do tend to function from a “go with the flow” space of BEing… that is unless my
allowance doesn’t match the degree of my awareness (which results in inpatients and/or aggravation).
What do I do then?
I’ll ask a question.
CLEAR the heaviness.
And BE curious to see how it shifts.
Often times the NO flow leaves and I’m back in the flow of the GO with the FLOW space of living… how does it get any BEtter than that?!
I wonder?! Lol.
Let me know what you know about your GO or NO GO with the FLOW space… share BElow!!
With light and WONDERment,

What lies are YOU still carrying after BEing rejected?

Okay! What if now’s the time to GET OVER rejection… rejection of you and others’ rejection of you.
To clear it and GET CLEAR of what it REALLY is.
So, here in lies the truth about the lies of rejection👇🏻:
- Rejection is a form of judgment that keeps you separated from you and others
- Rejection comes from a place of “better or less than” based on some belief that has nothing to do with who you BE
- Rejection is a way to justify a position only to create exclusion
- Rejection is a way to invalidate differences
- Rejection, in of itself, creates more rejection which only keeps you in a place of limitation
What else is possible NOW?
Well, what if you don’t have to reject?
And instead get clear on what you would like to create instead?
Get clear on the possibilities rather than on the problem and rejecting it or you?
Okay, what would you like to acknowledge what you like about you?
What if you acknowledge others’ rejections of you as their limitation which has NOTHING to do with you?
Hmmmm… I wonder?
Share wherever I’m on Social and let me know what you know about this.
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU ready to FREE yourself from REJECTION?

You’re a reject.
How many of you have bought this lie as a truth?
And how many of you have been functioning from this place of rejection because you were taught or told it?
Or maybe it was even unspoken and you just sensed it coming from someone or from some media message?
Well, let’s face it, the only thing you require to do with this statement is to REJECT IT!
And clear it and get clear of the heavy energy that underLIES it.
So, what would it take for you to see you clearly as the AMAZing BEing you BE? And that there is NOTHING to reject.
Embrace all of YOU.
Know that anything that’s heavy has lies attached to it.
And BE the difference you truly BE and allow it to BE a light in this world.
And know I have your back!
With light and WONDERment,

What FUN are YOU MISSING OUT ON by the CHANGE you’re refusing?

Change, change, change… bring it ON!
Okay, okay, okay, yes, that’s my interesting point of view, lol!
But from this interesting point of view, why not BE in a space of creation and discovery, which to me, is what living in the constant ebb and flow of change looks like. It’s a space of never-ending possibilities.
So, in order for me to truly function from this space, I cannot be afraid of making the wrong choice or right choice. I just choose from an awareness of light or heavy with aim of choosing light. And when I do choose something that ends up being heavy, I simply choose again.
What would it be like for you to enjoy change and choose it like I am?
You may just have WAY TOO MUCH FUN?!
With light and WONDERment,

What’s one thing you’re READY to Change?

Get changin’ before changin’ gets you!
Sometimes you just have to step into change and choose it rather than be at the mercy of things happening to you.
What if now’s the time to function from that space of active change? That space where you are clear on what is you would like and take the active steps to get there.
So, what’s something you’ve been avoiding that you can now choose to change?
What has kept you from choosing it?
Fear? Anxiety? Doubt?
What would it be like to clear that now?
Deep breath in and release all the heavy on the exhale (or POD and POC). Wow. Thank you.
Now, what else is possible NOW?
What change is available now that wasn’t there before?
Would love to hear about it! Share anywhere I’m on Social.
How does it get any BEtter?
With light and WONDERment,

Did YOU know that asking a question is part of the creative process?

Are you living in the question of what it is you would like to create in your life?
So, note to self (or infinite BEing 😉): a question always empowers; a conclusion always disempowers. Which one would you like to choose (notice I’m asking a question, lol)?
The key is to start actively going into question by choosing to ask a question.
It doesn’t have to be complex.
It can be a simple question.
A question like “what am I aware of right now?” or “what would I like to choose in this moment?”
And if something is sticking you and it’s heavy, you could ask a question like “what’s right about this I’m not getting?”
Just start asking the question.
Oh, and the only word of advice would be to stay away from “why” questions since these types of questions only lead you to conclusion and limitation. Even if you knew why, it doesn’t mean it will provide you with the information you’re really looking for or requiring to create change.
So, what question would you like to ask right now?
What would it be like to create one?
Do it! And share about it anywhere I’m located on Social.
Can’t wait to read and receive it!
How does it get any BEtter?
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU living in the question?

Question for you: Are YOU living in the Question?
If not, now’s the time!
“Why?” you may ask?
Well, living in the question allows you to function from conscious space of change and creation. It allows for things to clear and GET CLEAR so you can generate more of what it is you would like to have in your life and living.
Okay, what does it take to live in the question?
- Ask the question. Use open-ended, “what” questions as a way to create a space of greater awareness.
- Be aware of what comes up as a result of asking the question.
- If it reads heavy, clear it with the clearings discussed previously. If it reads light, clear anything that won’t allow it to remain light.
- Once you ask the question and clear it, get to your possible choices.
- Choose the lightest choice.
These are the simplest steps to live in the question and to basically live your life consciously.
Because remember… a question always empowers and a conclusion always disempowers. You choose! 😉
So, take these steps presented above and share (anywhere I’m on Social) what they were like for you to use them.
Excited to hear!
How does it get any BEtter?
With light and WONDERment,

7 Quick Go-To-Tips to SHIFT Your Mood & Energy Right Away!

So, what do you do when you’re exhausted and sick and tired of it all? Do you get stuck there?
Here are some quick go-to-tips to help shift your mood and energy right away:
- Acknowledge it without judgment.
- Identify what’s heavy and limiting you.
- Get clear on what it is you’d like to have instead.
- Ask, “What can I choose in this moment to change this right away?”
- Present yourself with some possibilities, like taking a walk, connect with nature, or something you and your body would enjoy
- Get gratitude! Acknowledge what you’re grateful for.
- Choose! Check in with what resonates the lightest for you and choose it!
Each of these tips in and of themselves will definitely contribute to shifting you out of being sick and tired.
Okay, give them a whirl and see!
BE sure to share with me anywhere I’m located on Social.
How does it get any BEtter?!
With light and WONDERment,

What are YOU sick and tired of?

Do you ever find yourself saying statements (aloud or to yourself) like, “I’m dead tired” or “I’m just so sick of it all”.
Well, I hear people saying this all the time in one form or another. And I see how much of a toll it takes on them.
Me? What do I say to them when facilitating them in session?
I ask them, is that a question or conclusion? Is that light or heavy? And what are you sick and tired of?
So, for me, personally, when I start going into that sick and tired energy, I ask these questions too and aim to get clear on what it is.
I use the tools I’m continuously encouraging you to use… how does it get any BEtter?!
So don’t do it. Yeah, don’t do it!
Cause you may end up having way too much ease and WAY TO MUCH energy?! Oh and more fun? Can’t have THAT?! Lol! 😉
Okay, be with that and play with that and let me know what it’s like for you? Share anywhere I’m on Social!
Wonder what else is possible NOW?
With light and WONDERment,

What do you know that you know that, if you allowed yourself to know it, would change your reality right away?

Know it all!
You are. You’re a know it all! And so am I.
The truth is, we have a knowing before we even have a chance to think.
However, what we tend to do is by-pass our knowing as a way to justify what we “think” is the right answer. We’re always looking to get the right answer!
Well, what if that no longer has to be the case?
What if your knowing is more accurate than your thoughts?
And what I if you were to trust your knowing and see what it creates?
So BE with that, AMAZing BEing, and let me KNOW what you KNOWtice, lol!
Look forward to you sharing with me anywhere I’m located on Social Media.
With light and WONDERment,

What do YOU KNOW that is unique to YOU?

What have you denied knowing that you know that you KNOW?
This reality teaches us that our thoughts are valid and real. That what we think is more important than what we know. Which equates to you are what you think and not what you know.
So, what if that really isn’t the truth? What if that’s the lie we have bought as true that keeps you in the limitation of heavy beliefs and negative points of view?
Now there’s something different. Now there’s ways to honor your knowing and just observe your thoughts as interesting.
So, try it out if you have yet to choose it already and see what you notice.
Would love for you to share anywhere I am on Social Medial!
What else is possible NOW? I wonder?
With light and WONDERment,

If JOYfulness was present with you, what would that look like?

Oh the JOY!
When I decided to choose to live my life fully from a conscious S P A C E of ease, JOY, and glory, I discovered that it was not about having to “do anything”; it was about BEing willing to receive and BE the JOY of ME that I, unbeknownst to me, was refusing.
Once I became aware of this and started choosing this, my life changed. It changed in a way that was subtle yet profound.
Things became easier.
Life was easier! Lighter. More ease; more calm.
Now what would it take to choose it for you?
What would it take to join me and live this way of BEing too?
Let me know if you’d like to join me on the JOY Train of possibilities? Lol!
All aboard? Share anywhere I am on Social Media!
With light and WONDERment,

What JOY are YOU not choosing?

JOY. The NEW apple a day that keeps the doctor away?
So, JOY is the antidote to so many aliments. A major one BEing the antidote to clearing the limitation and wrongness of you.
What are the benefits of JOY?
Well by BEing and choosing to BE in the space of JOY you’ll likely have:
- More ease
- More lightness
- More space for choice
- More laughter
- Less dis-ease
- More abundance
- Less fatigue
- More energy
How does it get any BEtter, AMAZing BEing? And what would it take to generate and create that space for YOU?
Share your awareness and points of view anywhere I am on Social Media!
With light and WONDERment,

Where have YOU confused your future with your thoughts about it?

Ways to STOP future thinking: 3 steps to BE present.
Future thinking can be a HUGE distraction. Not only can it distract you from the conscious moment, it can also keep you restricted and confined to a limited point of view which can prevent you from creating the future you would like to have.
So here are 3 steps you can take to STOP future thinking:
- Get clear on what you’re telling yourself! What words do you feed yourself about the future? Are they light and contributive? Or are they concessionary and heavy?
- Clear what’s heavy! Any heavy thoughts have lies and judgments attached to them that preclude you from seeing what is actually true for you. What if you’re NOT your future thoughts? But, instead, the space that’s there when your thoughts aren’t there. Hmmmm…
- Choose your future! You are the creator of your own future… you simply have to choose it and be in the space of receiving infinite possibilities. Be in the awareness of it and trust your knowing.
So, use these 3 steps and let me know what you notice and what it’s like for you?
How does it get any BEtter?
Share anywhere I am on Social Media!
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU limiting your FUTURE by living in the PAST?

Have to admit, I use to do A LOT of future thinking. Yeah, a lot of future dooming too. Ugh! No fun.
Not sure what it actually provided me. Anxiety. Stress. Fear? Intense feelings of being overwhelmed. Uncertainty. Guilt?
Okay. Can you relate?
Well, what I have discovered is that future thinking is often based on the past and is done with the intention of not wanting to recreate what has happened already.
Which is actually really insane!
First of all, nothing happens the same way twice.
Secondly, our future thoughts are conclusions and keep us stuck in a limitation, robbing us from BEing in the present conscious moment where choice, possibilities, and change are readily available!
And thirdly, anything that’s heavy about future thinking has lies attached to it which will keep you from generating and creating the future you would truly like to have.
So, what is your future thinking telling you?
What lie are you buying about it that’s not true?
Tell me about it by sharing anywhere I’m on Social Media!
What else is possible NOW, AMAZing BEing?
Excited to find out!
With light and WONDERment,

Seeing YOU BEing the creator YOU truly BE?

On your mark, get set… CREATE!
Do you consider yourself a creative BEing?
Do you love to create?
If you do it from this world’s linear point of view, it may not be all that fun, in part, due to having to function from a “goal oriented” point of view which may actually cut you off from your creative flow. The pressure of having to do it and/or create it a certain way tends to damper ideas, motivation, and completion of your creation.
So, what if there’s a different way?
What if you could create from a different space where BEing in the creative flow, choice, and possibilities allow you to actualize what it is you’re looking to create? Where you follow the energy and actualize it with ease?
This is what I’m takin’ about! And will continue to talk about this in other posts.
So for now, share any awareness you may have anywhere I am on Social Media.
Share what it is YOU would LIKE to create. Not sure?
Be with it and see what comes to your awareness.
Love to hear about it!
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU ready to BE a CREATOR of magnitude?

You’re not an artist so what makes you think you can create.
Is this the message you’ve received? From someone or something out there in society?
Well, it’s a lie.
The truth is we have the capacity to create absolutely AMAZing things ALL the time if we choose. It’s simply a question away!
Is this the space you would prefer functioning from? A space of choice, possibilities, question, and contribution?
Huh. I wonder what that would be like for you… wonder if you knowing you can choose to create, NOT because you have to be an artist or in some “creative career”, but simply because you are a creative BEing, how your life would be different?
What is being a creative BEing look like to YOU?
Share anywhere I’m on Social Media!
With light and WONDERment,

What EASE can YOU choose to have and BE today?

Ease or DISease?
Which are YOU choosing? Or NOT choosing.
Well now’s the time to take inventory of your conscious space.
To check in to see where you’re functioning from.
Are you in a constant state of stress?
Are you living from one problem to the next?
Are you suffering from a place of limitation – depressed and full of angst?
So that? That’s a place of DISease which does NOT serve you and only takes a toll on YOU and your body… not your lightest or brightest choice!
Now, TRUTH… would YOU like to change that and function from a space of ease?
Here are some ways to do and BE just that!
- BE present with everything around YOU and look at it from an interesting point of view.
- BE aware of toxic people and environments. Clear and stay clear of them by using the clearing tools (See prior posts for more information)
- BE in your choice. Choose what’s light for YOU (Ease at it’s FINEst! 😉)
So what else is possible NOW, AMAZing BEing?!
Well, BE with that and play with that and let me know what that is like for YOU (share anywhere I’m on Social Media)… and let the EASE BEgin!
With light and WONDERment,

How much EASE are YOU willing to receive?

That word. Hmmmm…
What does that word elicit in YOU?
Well for me, ease WAS NOT a space I functioned from on a regular basis. In part because I would often be impacted by the people around me that preferred to focus on problems rather than possibilities.
So I would take on these individuals’ energies and problems, wrong myself with them, then be left with “feeling” depressed, agitated, and even defeated… and the kicker? They weren’t even my problems! Lol! What?! Not my brightest moments!
Now. That has changed.
Ease is my “new black”, so to speak, lol!
It is a space that I choose to function from on a daily basis. It is a constant in my Universe. And when heavy energies would like to interfere with that, I simply clear them and choose what’s light for me. Creating a space of ease with EASE!
How does it get any BEtter than that?
So, what is ease for you?
Can you relate to not having ease?
What’s your story on that?
And would it be like to change that like I did?
I’ll look forward to hearing what that’s like for you (share anywhere I’m on Social Media), AMAZing BEing!
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU done with pleasing others at the expense of YOU?

Comment below right now if you’re tired of being a people pleaser! If you’re tired of appeasing people who are only interested in being right rather than open to different points of views.
You tired of it? I am. And I actively choose daily NOT to engage with this form of unconsciousness.
So what if you no longer did either? What if you no longer obligate yourself to getting these people to get you? Or to get ANYTHING?
What if you no longer have to be a “people pleaser”, but instead, BE the YOU pleaser that chooses what pleases YOU.
And if others would like to join you great! If not, #notYOURproblem… how does it get any BEtter, AMAZing BEing?
I wonder?
What else is possible NOW?
Choose it and see.
And again, share anywhere I’m on Social Media!
With light and WONDERment,

Are YOU a people pleaser?

God, I remember the days when I was a people pleaser… and I remember how miserable I was when I would “fall short” from the goal of getting people to be happy.
Yes. I use to carry that burden and suffer from the endless disappointment of not appeasing them. Of course, I was choosing those types of humans who were only interested in being right and not interested in different points of view.
You know the ones? The ones that have enough judgment to destroy nations?
Well yeah. Not fun. And not my brightest moment, lol!
Well. Now. This AIN’T happen. No more people pleasing for me!
Now? I choose for me. What’s light for me. Even if it doesn’t agree or please. #notMyProblem! Ahhhhhh… so much more ease, joy… abundance!
How does it get any BEtter than that, AMAZing BEing?
Let’s see! Care to join me?
Share your awareness about people pleasing anywhere I’m located on Social Media! Are you ready for something different? Share that too!
With light and WONDERment,

What’s unique about YOU that you’re refusing to BE?

In the past, it was normal for me to try to fit into this reality without realizing how much I was cutting myself off from BEing ME. Little did I know then that BEing the uniqueness I BE was a possibility that I could choose.
So, now, that’s no longer the case. And now? It’s no longer a limitation.
In fact, I am living proof that BEing unique and choosing to live my life in this way is the way to BE! Hashtag, welcome to my world of choosing to BE me whatever that looks like, whatever it takes. And I’m constantly changing it UP! 😉
So where have you been refusing to BE the uniqueness YOU truly BE?
When did you choose to cut that off?
And what is unique about you NOW that you have yet to acknowledge?
Share it with me anywhere I am on Social Media and join ME in BEing the uniqueness WE truly BE that will rock this world into a brighter and lighter space.
How does it get any BEtter?!

Are you BEing the unique YOU you truly BE?

Ok. So let’s get clear on this.
Name 3 things that make you uniquely YOU?
- Write them down
- Acknowledge them
- Clear any heavy energy that won’t allow you to fully BE it. (Clear by simply taking a deep breath in and releasing all the heavy on the exhale… or POD and POC)
- Share it here in comments or anywhere this is on social media
Looking forward to reading and seeing what makes you uniquely YOU! Share it anywhere I’m on Social Media.
How does it get any BEtter?!

3 Steps to TRUE FREEdom

These are the 3 Steps to know if you are truly ready to step up and choose what contributes to your TRUE FREEdom.
Have you ever had a moment in your life where you knew something else was possible, but just didn’t know how to actualize it?
So again, here are 3 things to consider when choosing to leap into a new space of FREEdom:
- BE open to the possibilities
- Identify what it is that brings you JOY
- Don’t be afraid to try something different (there is no such thing as failing)
So take a moment and tune onto what TRUE FREEdom is for you?.
What does that look like?
You see, TRUE FREEdom is choice and choice is TRUE FREEdom… so what would you like to choose that would create the light future you’re desiring?
Share with me (anywhere I’m on Social Media) if you were able to identify something you truly want to start creating in your life.

What choices are you NOT considering?

Just this morning, I was aware of some heavy energies that were related to limitation. So instead of going into the limitation of the limitations, I asked a question that just blew it out of the water… “what choices do I have here that I’m not considering?”
And it is from this question that it became clear that when we are willing to be in a space of choice and possibilities, we can be FREE to choose what is light for each of us. That BEing in a space of choice is where our TRUE FREEdom reigns… how does it get any BEtter?!
So what limitations are keeping you from living from a space of choice and infinite possibilities? What FREEdom are you robbing YOU of having based on the choices you’re not willing to choose?
So be with these questions and share with me (anywhere I am on Social Media) what YOU notice.
What else is possible NOW?!

Are you BEing stupid?

Yes. Stupid. The side effect of living unconsciously.
So how stupid are you BEing?
Well instead of focusing on ALL that hot unconsciousness MESS, let’s get right to the GOOD STUFF… conscious living!
Okay. Consciousness. It includes everything and judges nothing. It’s a space of awareness and allowance where choice and possibilities are readily available for the choosing.
Living consciously then is just THAT… living from a space that allows you to BE present to generate and create what it is YOU would like to actualize in your life.
And the alternative? Unconscious living? Stuck in routine, linear, no choice reality that keeps you in the limitation of you BEing YOU… stupid, right?!
So, are YOU ready to live consciously? Huh. I bet YOU can’t choose that? 😉
Share it with me anywhere I am on Social Media if you’d like to show me otherwise!

Is conscious living something you would like to choose?

Tired of feeling like you’re going insane?
Tired of being stuck there?
Insanity is a by-product of unconsciousness, so the more you function from this place the more insane feel.
What’s the alternative?
Living consciously.
Which includes functioning from the following space:
- Awareness
- Allowance
- Choice
- Possibilities
Living consciously requires BEing clear and present to choose what it is you like to BE and generate and create into your life.
So insanity vs. conscious living… which one are YOU choosing?
Which one would YOU like to choose NOW?!
Share your comments with me anywhere I am on Social Media.
How does it get any BEtter?!

Are your own heavy thoughts, feelings & emotions getting in the way with YOU?

Okay. As a doctor in clinical psychology, there hasn’t been a healing modality that I haven’t been exposed to.
So which one is my favorite?
Which is my modality of choice?
Consciousness! And living consciously from a space of choice and infinite possibilities!
I use a set of clearing tools and techniques from an AMAZing system called Access Consciousness® and I’m a Certified Facilitator with Access too! Not only do I use these tools with people like yourself, I use them myself! How does it get any BEtter?!
So why am I telling you this? To let you know that what I’m bringing to you is an energy and approach that is pragmatic and been BEyond effective when it comes to generating and creating change on a monumental level.
Now. I’d like to share with you the clearing tool that clears heavy thoughts, feelings, and emotions that you’re carrying and/or have possibly stored in your memory.
It begins with asking a question like, “everywhere I’m in the limitation of my own negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions, would I like to clear them now? Yes”
Then simply take a deep breath in and release all the heavy on the exhale… or POD and POC (if you happen to know the Access clearing statement).
If it lightens up, it has cleared. If it remains, continue to use the breathing technique or POD/POC until it gets clear. Some heavy limitations require ongoing clear.
So use it and share what it’s like for YOU to use it below.
So excited to hear about it!

What unconsciousness is limiting YOU from living your life FULLY?

Stop whatever you’re doing.
Are you clear?
Are you clear of your own heavy thoughts, feelings, and emotions?
Are you clear of your own limiting points of view?
If not, what are these thoughts telling you?
What are these feelings and emotions eliciting?
What beliefs are messing up your moment?
And what would it take to clear them?
Well I have a clearing tool for you!
One you can use right away and it may just clear away all that’s keeping you in this limitation.
All you do is ask a question like, “everywhere I’m in the limitation of my own negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions, would I like to clear them now? Yes”
Then simply take a deep breath in and release all the heavy on the exhale… or POD and POC (if you happen to know the Access clearing statement).
If it lightens up, it has cleared. If it remains, continue to use the breathing technique or POD/POC until it gets clear. Some heavy limitations require ongoing clear.
So BE with this, play with this, and share it with me anywhere I am on Social Media…
What else is possible NOW?!
Excited to find out!

Have YOU ever considered anxiety as misidentified AWAREness?

When I wrote this question, I realized it’s NOT your typical question, written in a typical fashion. Nor is it one that makes much cognitive sense, at least not according to this reality?
Well this reality tends to be obsessed with the question “why”, always looking to find the right answer that will set you free from what’s keeping you unhappy and dissatisfied with life.
Unfortunately “why” tends to only keep us in uncertainty, leaving us stuck in the limitation of what it was that got us here. Even if there was an answer, it doesn’t give us the information we require to necessarily change it?
So what if the TRUTH is you’re highly aware; aware of everything around you? The good, the bad, AND the ugly?
That your awareness is simply the perceiving of all things, and if done from a consciousness point of view, it will allow you to see it all without judgment.
Well, since this week’s topic is on clearing energies that don’t belong to you, what if we add this one on anxiety to the mix to clear as also?
Let’s clear it!
So ALL of the points of view from others and this society that you have bought as true and REAL about anxiety and it’s limitation on YOU, let’s clear that now:
Return to sender with consciousness;
Return to sender with consciousness;
Return to sender with consciousness!
Ahhhhhh… a little lighter?
Would you like it even lighter or do you have something else you’d like to clear?
Join me this Friday when I GO LIVE here on Facebook with the very first “Free and Clear Fridays with Dr. Sarah”. I guarantee it’ll BE a space where you and I can connect, clear, and contribute to each other on this topic and MORE!
Can’t wait to see you there at 4 pm EST.
What else is possible NOW?!

How many heavy thoughts, feelings, and emotions are you carrying that don’t belong to YOU?

Here we go!
Not only is this the very FIRST Dr. Sarah picture quote on the NEW Dr. Sarah website, it’s the very FIRST one coming to YOU, NOW, as a way to contribute to YOU and the NEW and LIGHT you, YOU desire to create!
So are you ready for this picture quote question? One that is a part of the topic of the week that we can definitely further explore together?
The question being, what heavy thought, feeling, or emotion are you ready to clear that doesn’t belong to you?
It’s an interesting question, right?
One that speaks to ALL of the energies (including thoughts, feelings and emotions) that we tend to pick up on around us, that if not cleared, will keep us weighed down, exhausted and trapped a limiting place.
So what if there is a way to get and stay clear of that? And what if I were to say there’s a tool for that?
One that will assist you in clearing anything that doesn’t belong to you?
Click here, to read about the tool.
Click here, to receive the tool via video.
Can’t wait to hear from you about it! 😍